The Differences of the Xbox 360 and PS3 (or Playstation 3) to a Gamer

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the setup i have at home, playstation 2 in the middle and xbox 360 to the right on a 32″ samsung lcd monitor, the 360 is directly connected to the router using a lan cable to enable tversity sharing with my pc

xbox360.pngI’m posting a funny video from YouTube uploaded by It is all about the topic. It is been quite a while since I won my Xbox 360 in a Microsoft event. I have not been playing many games on it but rather using it as a Media Center playing DivX movies, FLAC format Audio Files and Photos directly streamed from my PC using Tversity and has proven to be quite too useful almost as if it were a personal computer. I have always been an avid fan of Sony’s Playstation console but somehow I just think they overdid it with the (PS3) Playstation 3. c(”,)

ps3.pngOne thing bothers me with the PS3, the Blue Ray Disc. If you ask me, 40 gigabytes of disc space, especially in games, will always amount to lag. Unlike hard disk drives, removable discs are not mounted well enough to achieve high speeds and as it turns out I was right. The video posted below shows why this is so. It would have been better if they separated the Blue Ray Drive just like the Xbox 360 to reduce the cost of the console. A blank Blue Ray Disc would cost 1,000 Php ($25.00) here, how much more the games? They should have just placed the games in the DVD9 format. It looks as though they were trying to market it as a media console and not as a gaming console. Hopefully the price will go down throughout the year. You could save up to buy the console and you will save again for the games. In my humble opinion, if you would really really want to buy one, it would be better to get one that is second hand.

Summarizing this, To Sony, the Playstation consoles should always purely be for gaming! Put funds into the games you offer not into the console! This is the basic reason why the Playstation 2 and Playstation 1 were such great consoles. Have fun watching the video! c(”,)

this is a video from youtube created by, although it is quite harsh to playstation 3 owners, it does prove to have some points on the downsides of having a playstation 3 console

Taking Care of A New German Sheperd (Check Out His Pedigree!)

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We are getting a new German Shepherd puppy this Sunday, his name is Solo Von Kaiserplatz. He was sired by Tasso of Greenwater, and his mom, Hana vom Team Fiemereck, was a purebred champion. I also posted his pedigree database entry. He has a really interesting story when he was born, Something terrible happened to his tail….

a solo picture of solo
Solo Von Kaiserplatz’s Pedigree Database Entry

He might be small but he will grow bigger! His father Tasso can stand up and reach your shoulders with his paws!

Solo was born an only pup, and during his birth his mom had a difficult time, so in order to speed up the process she tagged on his tail and pulled. A portion (at least 1/5 of the total length) of his tail got cut off due to this. It looked bad from the start but in any other case it might be a sign that this dog is something else! c(”,) Hopefully it will grow back since he is still a puppy. I only have experienced taking care of one GSD (German Shepherd Dog) and I really don’t know that much about caring for for them but…

our other two dogs, goku (black daschund) and lara (GSD), seems to me they were talking about who gets to poop where

Here are some of my self learned GSD caring tips:

1.) German Shepherds can have layers and layers of dead or dull hair as I found out one day when it clogged the drain >_<. So whhen giving your GSD a bath make sure to scrub the fur with your fingers and not with your palm or a plastic bristle brush, this removes a lot of shedding hair plus you will know if your GSD has ticks. Scrub his fur also when rinsing it. Doing this will give your dog a very shiny coat after the bath. I have learned this through weeks and weeks of giving our GSD a bath.

2.) Thoroughly dry out the fur after the bath and do not let the wind dry it out, doing this slows down the time it takes for him to take another bath. Dogs have a lot of body heat and I think this dries up any moisture in their skin, since they do not have sweat glands a lot of stuff stays there, and that I think this causes stink that is really bad sometimes.

3.) Be comfortable and do not be afraid with your dog biting your hands or fingers, I think it is how they play. But before you do this, make sure your hands are clean so that it will not have the smell of food on. I have played with our GSD using my my index and middle finger, pulling back the upper and lower fangs. German Shepherd dogs are extremely smart, they know when to stop. c(”,)

4.) When there is a stray cat around your home, let your GSD go and let him have some fun! lol c(”,)

The Phenomenology of Love

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Searching through a vast wasteland of MS Word documents in my computer I was able to find a worth while read. I wrote this article for our Philosophy 104 class in college and it at landed a perfect score at 100%! I really don’t know why because I don’t really have good grammatical skills in writing even now. I remember I was still in third year college back then, It took a lot of time to think about this article and most of it discusses on how Filipinos differ from other countries when it comes to love. c(”,)

Wow, it really has been quite a while since I’ve read this. Hope you’ll enjoy it as I did writing it without giving any thought to it. I just kept writing and writing and writing……..

****************** Here it goes….. copy if you want to just leave some comments or credits ******************






The Phenomenology of Love


By Kenneth Carlo Santos






B.S.-Computer Science 3A
Philosophy 104


2:30 – 3:30 MW




March 20, 2003









Respectfully Submitted to:


Mr. Ryan Maboloc

Ateneo de Davao University College

Philosophy Division







Love 101


As a Filipino I myself have a different viewpoint on love and so do most of us. A Filipino’s love for a woman or a man is something far more complex than the other forms of love that we look up to in television in movies that view love in its highest form as sex, which is false. The Filipino’s love is more romantic and true in form because it evolves and is nurturing. My phenomenology deals more about the male Filipino psyche because female Filipinos are more difficult to understand for now.

So what is love then? Love in its basic form is conscious care. Just like when a man loves his car, he will always think about what might happen to his vehicle and thinks positively of it. This is also the case when a Filipino man loves a woman. He thinks too much of the other which can cause him to forget that he himself exists too. This is not loyalty but indeed, it is stupidity. Loyalty in love therefore only exists when the couple se each almost all the time which greatly supports the statement “actions speak louder than words”. The women call this stupidity “sweet”. What is so sweet about that? You never get to get together with your friends, be in solitude yet unknowingly men like these too I really do not know why but the fact is that is what Filipino love is.


The Course of True


True Love may seem impossible but can exist. The path to true love is a long and arduous one. What is long here is the realization part of a Filipino man if he really thinks that the one he loves is truly the one for him and would complement for his incompleteness. I will elaborate on the paths I have taken and might be the right one.

Number 1, the contact, for men, this is the time when our necks really ache for an awful long time due to staring. Contact is extremely important in the process because without it interest never blooms. The contact I describe here is not contact by the eyes but by thoughts, no one can fall in love with just looking at the person if this is so it feels like falling in love with an object. Anyone who is able to get a girlfriend or boyfriend at this time is just puppy love. Filipinos express love differently at this time, they do what they feel and they do not say what they think about the other, definitely not straight to the point well at least its nice and unique. The initial contact can lead to more and more meetings, meetings of the mind. Usually during the first time, Filipino men try to hide their feelings to preserve the macho instinct. This is funny because the time will come when the one they love will move out and then the men regret their choice. Then when the next one comes along, they do the same mistake again. This only proves that both sides need to do something in order for them to be one. One side cannot exist without the other just as the message must come from one side and must deliver to the other. Rejection is such a big deal for the Filipino man and the best thing to counter this is to accept it.

After acceptance of both sides, they announce their love to the world I do not see any reason why they should do this but it can serve as proof that they both love each other. This helps in creating true love because a couple who is not afraid of showing love in the world knows they have accepted each other and know each other as well. In a way they show selflessness in a form where in both are not shy to admit there love. So that this bond may persevere, they create a vow upon each other wherein they follow it so they may consider themselves loyal and faithful. The vow here can reach as long as a whole book but even so this does not mean anything at all for true faithfulness and loyalty lies in the fidelity of the person or the heart of the person. To this extent if a person does not respond to fidelity he only has auxiliary love. This makes the other person as a necessity to the other person that creates two “I need you” statements. The first “I need you.” wherein the “I” is the mind and is only one part of the body and does not supplement for true love. The second “I need you!” stresses the fact that the Self needs the other person to supplement what we know as something missing from our life’s basic equation. Still, this equation will always be unanswerable for a long time. To be able to grasp the situation the Filipino man will have to undergo the process of knowing his partner a little more. Frequent dating is the answer to this ongoing question. Day after day after day the couple will go out and decreases through time as more and more information pass through both minds and after all, we all know “Knowledge is Power”.

In addition, love cannot be complete without its constant fights and LQ that can become QL. Fights do have their purpose in love. It is the methodology used to settle differences between the couple. It can also be a tool used for mass destruction. Fights do have a devastating effect on the body typically the brain or the psychological and neural functions that a person has but most importantly the heart. A fight can cause the break-up between two couples. Why do they break-up? The only thing present here would be the tangible vows that both have created. The cause would probably come from the Article 1, Section 1 of their vows that would mean the most important one of all the vows. Acceptance plays the big role in fights, if one cannot accept then he must leave because love without full acceptance is only love that goes one way, to the Self.

After a few more years of this one begins to wonder and ask “What is this?” and “What am I doing?” this is the starting point of knowing one’s true intentions or doubt of the existence of true love.


Nurturance and Love Expectancy


How can one Filipino hold on long enough to be able to know the truth about love? He begins asking questions such as “How long does it really take to know? Is this really it? Am I at the peak?” These questions can help him know himself. One who does not know himself does not know to love at all and we all know that not knowing to love can mean spontaneity disappearing in an instant and infatuation sets in. Love is like a friendship; one has to keep spontaneous to his partner and does not keep any secrets to him or her that would keep hanging on to his fidelity. How can one keep spontaneous to his partner? This is never a problem to the Filipino male because he is a hopeless romantic that may evolve in to a better structure. He knows what to do in any situation because there will always be a “lusot” somewhere. Spontaneity and uniqueness are two factors that contribute to the ongoing relationship of a couple. If one side gets to be tired of the other, that side becomes bored and incomplete because a man who is not spontaneous is thinking and a man who is thinking cannot be at the same time loving. Interest arouses spontaneity within one person therefore how the other presents himself or herself would greatly affect the outcome of the others spontaneity. Love therefore is dynamic and versatile to be able to survive rough winds.


What then is True Love?

In the eyes of man, true love can never ever exist this is so because what protects our thoughts is our mind and no one can pierce and read our mind. This is bogus and will never ever be true. The eyes do not know what the heart can see and if the fact above is true about the mind, I am willing to risk it. I would rather commit a mistake and be human than turn and run away from the one I love just because I am not sure. In science, one can never ever be sure without experimenting first, repeating, and repeating the experiment
repeatedly. This war against my ego I am willing to take. These are most words that a Filipino man can say to himself and proves the fact that love really is blind after all…